
C 315 / 550
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TOP 11479
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Recent events
ID Track Timestamp Position Time penalty(s) Contact(s) Bike ELO
363509 Winchester MXoN 6 hours and 52 minutes ago 17 0 0 Husqvarna FC 250 2023
363462 Walnut 6 hours and 13 minutes ago 12 0 0 Husqvarna FC 250 2023
125138 Washington 200 days, 6 hours ago 20 0 0 Yamaha YZ250F 2024
119349 Forest Raceway 206 days, 4 hours ago 9 0 0 Yamaha YZ250F 2024
119342 Walnut 206 days, 4 hours ago 8 0 2 Yamaha YZ250F 2024
115719 Washington 209 days, 2 hours ago 2 0 0 Fantic XXF 450 2023